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St Joseph's NS Mardyke, Cork

The Training Paid Off as the Boys Brought Home the Shield!

15th Jun 2023

14 boys from senior infants to 6th class represented St Joseph’s at the City Sports on the 1st of June in MTU. They all ran a straight race and 4 of our most senior students competed in the relay. All of the boys showed great determination and focus in the training sessions in the run up to the day as well as on the day. The hard work paid off as they came home with 13 trophies and two shields. One shield was for the relay team who placed first and the second shield was presented to the boys as they won the most trophies in their roinn.

On their return to school they were greeted by a Guard of Honour made by the other students and they did a lap of honour of the school yard. We are immensely proud of their motivation and team camaraderie.